The TRUTH about Food Storage in Disasters

Empty Shelves

Food Shortage’s

It is time that we look at one situation we’re likely to
face at one point in our lives: food shortage in
a disaster. What will happen when you’re surviving on
your stockpiles while others go hungry?

* Your food storage makes you a target

Having enough food to feed your family is great. There are
some disasters when it is nothing but an asset.

If you lose your income, for example, your food storage
will keep you fed, your stocked medicine cabinet will keep
you healthy, and your additional heat sources will take
you through the winter cheaply.

But what about in a wider more high-impact emergency?

When the supermarket shelves go bare and the larger
community starts to go hungry, your food preps are going
to keep you fed, but they are also going to make you a

Once the looting starts, it is only a matter of time
before the unscrupulous, or simply the starving, come
knocking on your door in a less than friendly manner.

… if they have a way of knowing about your food supply,
that is.

Keeping your preps out of plain sight is a good idea. Some
preppers opt out of ever talking about their preps to
neighbors and co-workers. They simply don’t want the word
to spread.

Once disaster strikes, stay off your neighbors’ radar. If
you seem to have it too good, people are going to start
to speculate, and your survival may depend on not standing

You also much consider what you would do if someone tried
to take your food supplies from you.

* There are tough choices ahead

I am convinced that one of the main reasons that people do
not stay with prepping is because there are just too many
difficult choices. It’s downright unpleasant to think

Having the means to survive available to you affords you
some choice, unlike those who have to take any opportunity
they can find.

But the smartest choices will not be the ones that make
you happy or make you popular.

You will have to explain to your children why their best
friend, who is struggling with the rest of the community,
can’t come over to where it’s safe and warm, where no one
is hungry.

You will have to turn Uncle Jim and Aunt Sally away at the
door, even though you have enough food to feed a small
village, simply because you know that it has to last.

You will have to live with those choices if the people you
turned away fare ill, but you will also have to live with
those choices if they do just fine.

Imagine how Uncle Jim and Aunt Sally will feel if you
turned them away because you expected months of hardship,
but the disaster was over in a matter of weeks.

You let them go hungry, even though you had enough food in
your home to last you through several of these disasters,
and Uncle Jim and Aunt Sally, who aren’t preppers, are
unlikely to see the situation your way.

* You can only do so much

Perhaps the tide instead moves the other way, and the
disaster carries on. Maybe what started as a small
economic slump, the loss of your job, turns out to be a
long national depression.

Then, you are faced with a much greater problem.

The truth of the matter is that while you can prep for
most eventualities, at the end of the day there is only so
much prepping you can do.

Beyond a certain point, most foods wont last – certainly
not enough that you can cover all of your family’s
nutritional needs.

Not to mention that beyond a certain point your pocketbook
is going to empty out. Eventually, whether in a month or a
year, you’ll reach a point when there is no money or space
for more preps.

This is the point by which you have to be self-sufficient.
Not all preppers will aim for being prepared for this long
a stretch, but if you want to go on indefinitely, grow
your own food!

Store seeds, treated for a long shelf-life, or you may
choose to start your own kitchen garden so that you can
increase production steadily while living off your food

The choice is, as always, yours. But if you are preparing
for a major disaster, after which the world or at least
the economy may need rebuilding, it’s a good idea to look
into survival gardening.

Some food for thought, I hope! Next time, we’ll start a
short series on energy, includding how to keep the lights
on at your house in a disaster.

Prep wisely,
