Live Off Grid Wherever You Want In This Portable Capsule

The  Egg Shaped Ecocapsule

Well here is a great alternative for those people that would like to have the option to quickly set-up and live off grid. Slovakian architects have just revealed a super-compact capsule that promises to deliver a nomadic lifestyle, with all the renewable-powered comforts of home. The whole thing is pretty cramped, measuring just 2.55 m x 4.45 m x 2.25 m, but it is designed to be entirely self-sufficient for two adults, and is kitted out with a retractable 750 W wind turbine and 2.6 square-metres of solar panels.


The egg-shaped abode, which has been named the Ecocapsule, also has a 9,744 Watt hours battery to store all that power for a rainy (or cloudy) day. The pod is specially shaped to help collect rainwater and dew and funnel it down into a tank below the pod’s floor, filtering it with a clever surface membrane along the way to remove any bacteria.

Inside, there’s a toilet and shower, mini-kitchen, bed, table and storage. The walls are super-insulated to help keep the pod at a comfortable temperature and the home is even capable of charging up your electric car while you tow it.


This is pretty cool

Check out the next page to see a video on this capsule so you can get a real good look.